End of Agreement Process

A Reminder of Our Policy
When your Volvo is returned at the end of the agreement, it should be in good condition. The vehicle should be roadworthy, all features should be in working order and there should be no dashboard lights illuminated.
The vehicle must have been serviced according to Volvo’s servicing and maintenance schedule with the work conducted by a Volvo Authorised Repairer. A service history by any other repairer devalues the vehicle and therefore you might be charged an additional fee when returning the vehicle. Tyres should not have any damage to the sidewalls or treads and meet the minimum legal requirements. Any bodywork repairs completed before the vehicle is returned should be conducted by a Volvo Authorised Bodyshop or must be carried out to a professional standard by a repairer who can provide a transferable warranty for the work.
To remove any uncertainty about what we mean by ‘good condition’, we use the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association’s (BVRLA) ‘Guide to Fair Wear and Tear’. These independent guidelines allow us to apply fair and consistent standards to the condition of the vehicle at the end of the contract and determine whether any charges should apply.
To see a full copy of the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear Guidelines click here.
Vehicle Collection and Inspection Process
Your Appointment
What to expect:
Your allocated Inspector will call you to give an estimated time of arrival, either the previous working day or the morning of the Inspection day. They will call or send a text again when they are on their way to you. All Inspectors have identification. They will record full details about the condition of your vehicle, including taking pictures if they need to. You must be present to sign the report. You will then be left with a copy of the report and your vehicle will be driven away. The appointment will take between 30 – 45 minutes. Any damage that has been identified will be forwarded through on an Inspection Report to our customer services team, who will contact you directly with any charges.
Required Items:
When we inspect your vehicle, you need to return everything that was originally supplied, or a fee may be charged. This includes (but is not limited to):
- MOT Certificate (if applicable)
- V5C (if applicable)
- Completed Service Book or Digitally Stored Service History
- The master key and any spare keys
- Spare wheel
- Software manuals and SD Cards / Disks (if applicable)
- Wheel bolt key (locking wheel nut) (if applicable)
- Charging cables (electric vehicles only)
Any other item supplied with the vehicle
Vehicle Condition
If we are not able to drive the vehicle away because of any of the below points, you may incur a cancellation charge:
- Tyres not meeting required standards (see guide below)
- Not having a valid MOT
- Chipped or cracked windscreens within the A-Zone (see guide below)
- Flat battery
- Any warning light illuminated on the dashboard
- No charging cables present (electric vehicles only)
- You must ensure there is enough fuel, so the fuel warning light is not illuminated
- If you’re vehicle is electric, it must be fully charged to 100%
- The vehicle must be clean enough, inside and out, for a detailed inspection
- All personal items must be removed from the vehicle prior to the Inspection
For us to successfully collect the vehicle, you must ensure there is at least 1 day of valid MOT remaining. Anything less than this may result in a charge being applied.
Tyre Guide:
Faulty tyres are the most common reason why vehicle inspections are cancelled. If the tyres on the vehicle do not meet BVRLA standards, we will not be able to complete the inspection and a cancellation fee will be charged by your finance provider.
To successfully complete the inspection and collection, please ensure:
- The tyre tread is at least 1.6mm, or your finance provider’s required tread depth. If you are unsure of what this would be, please consult with your finance provider.
- There are no foreign bodies in the vehicle tyres, which could include glass or nails. These could impact the tyre structure and potentially cause a slow puncture. You should ensure all tyres are free from any foreign bodies.
- The front two tyres and rear two tyres must be of the same tyre size.
- The vehicle tyres are free of cuts, cracks and bulges, especially those that show the tyre cord. Any cut, crack or bulge more than 25mm, 10% of the tyre width, or deep enough to reach the ply cord will result in an inspection cancellation.
- The vehicle tyres are in line with, and comply with, the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation of tyre type, class, size and speed rating for the vehicle.
- There is no uneven wear on the tyres.
- There is no damage to the sidewalls of the vehicle tyres.
- The vehicle tyres are not be under- or over-inflated.
- The wheels are free of any dents or holes on the wheel rims.
Windscreen Guide:
The diagram below shows you how to identify the A-Zone of the vehicle windscreen:

BVRLA Standard
The British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) standards are the independent guidelines used by the vehicle leasing industry. In using them we make sure that we treat you fairly and consistently.
You must include all sets of keys, parcel shelves and service books as these will be charged in full if they are missing. Tyres must be above the legal minimum of 1.6mm and have no tread or sidewall damage.
A summary of key allowable damage includes:
- Alloy scuffs up to 50 mm in total around the edge of the alloy are acceptable.
- No more than 2 dents per body panel which are under 10mm for cars / 15mm for vans and not on the bend of the body panel
- Scratches that are under 25mm in length, provided no bare metal or primer is showing
- Small chips, providing they are not showing signs of rust
- Scuffs and scratches to plastic trims under 25mm.
In addition, you have the option to repair vehicles prior to collection, provided all work is up to a professional standard and evidence of warranty can be provided. If the repair is of a poor standard, the item will remain chargeable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will you charge me for wear and tear at the end of my contract?
When your vehicle is returned at the end of contract, it is inspected and should be in a good condition. If the damage is above fair wear and tear we will charge for the cost of repairing it whether we chose to repair it or not.
How do you determine if the damage needs to be charged?
We use the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) standards, which is an independent set of guidelines used by the vehicle leasing industry. We use these to check your vehicle and if the damage is over and above what is fair we will charge at the cost of repair or replacement whether we chose for commercial reasons to repair it or not.
What are the typical costs associated to the repair of the vehicle?
Identifying the type of repair needed will depend on the severity of the damage to the vehicle and therefore will be reflected in the cost of the relevant repair.
What if my vehicle has been involved in an accident?
If all repairs have been carried out to the relevant BVRLA standard, there will be no additional charges. However, repairs that have not been carried out in accordance with the relevant BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear standard may incur charges. Any repairs made to the vehicle before it is returned must be to a professional standard by repairers who can provide fully transferable warranty on their work.
My vehicle has been damaged but it wasn’t my fault / it was another driver in a car park. Why have I been charged?
Damage on the vehicle at the time of return is chargeable if it is not put right prior to collection. If you are concerned that your vehicle has been damaged, please refer to the relevant BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear guide or contact us for further information.
I could have had repair work done cheaper elsewhere. Why have I been charged more?
You have the opportunity to repair the vehicle prior to return. Any repairs made to the vehicle before it is returned must meet the BVRLA standards and be carried out by repairers who can provide a fully-transferable warranty on their work. We would always recommend any repairs are carried out by a Volvo approved accident repair centre, details of which are available from www.volvocars.co.uk. Once the vehicle has been returned our standard costing matrix will be applied. We periodically review our charges to ensure we remain competitive in the marketplace.
I returned the spare key / service book later. Why have I been charged?
As mentioned previously, missing items such as keys, service books and parcel shelves must be available at the point of collection. If not, these items will be deemed as missing and are therefore chargeable under the relevant BVRLA guidelines. This applies even if you subsequently locate these items and return them at a later date.
What happens if I dispute the costs and/or damage at the time of collection?
We inspect the vehicle at the point of collection and provide clear photographic evidence. You, or your representative, are physically shown the damage at the time of collection, and we’ll provide a full report detailing damage and costs. If you do not agree with the inspector’s report, you will need to note the detail of your disagreement on the document provided. This will not remove or reduce the cost at this point. Please contact us to discuss claim in more detail.
Volvo Car Financial Services UK Ltd
Telephone Number 0800 369 8634 option 4
Opening Hours Mon – Friday 0900 – 1730 & Saturday 1000 – 1600
If you are not happy with our final decision, you may still escalate your complaint to the conciliation service run by the British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association (BVRLA), if you so wish. Their complaint form can be accessed from the following URL:
and e-mail it to complaint@bvrla.co.uk
Alternatively you can write to:
The Chief Executive, BVRLA
River Lodge, Badminton Court, Amersham, HP7 0DD
Either party involved in the complaint can ask for the matter to be escalated to the BVRLA’s formal conciliation service. Any decisions made by this body are binding on BVRLA members.